James Kerry

James is a skilled scientific researcher & fitness enthusiast with 10 years of extensive research in the use of nootropics, herbs & earth-grown products. He holds a Bsc in Public Health. Medically Reviewed by Dr. Dawn Clifford, MS, RD

Folexin Reviews 2025 – Does It Really Work?
If you’ve been searching the internet for information related to hair loss, chances are that you’ve come across all kinds of [...]
Alpha Brain vs Adderall: See Which One Is Better & Why
If you're a seasoned "biohacker" chances are that you have found yourself comparing certain nootropics. Like, which one is the better [...]
How Long Does Rhodiola Rosea Last in The Body?
It’s a natural herb that grows out there in the sub-arctic wild and widely revered for its adaptogenic effects. We’re talking about [...]
Pramiracetam vs Phenylpiracetam In-Depth Comparison
Racetams have been around since the 60s and one thing is for sure – their popularity has been growing steadily over time. [...]
Adrafinil vs Phenylpiracetam: A Comparison
Nootropics come in all shapes and sizes. And since no two of them are exactly alike, it is only wise to compare them carefully so you can [...]
Viviscal vs Nutrafol Compared: Our Unbiased Verdict
When looking for a hair growth supplement, two of the biggest names likely to pop up are those of Viviscal and Nutrafol. Both products [...]
Can Viviscal Cause Constipation? A Detailed Look
When you take a supplement like Viviscal, constipation is usually the last thing on your mind. A nutraceutical, Viviscal is marketed as a [...]
Where to Buy Aniracetam- Top 4 Vendors
Aniracetam is arguably one of the more powerful and popular members of the Racetam family. This probably because it easily crosses the [...]
Mind Lab Pro vs Adderall: What’s the Better Noot?
Are you looking for a nootropic compound that can add an oomph to your daily schedule? You might have heard about the all-too-common Mind [...]
3 Best Places to Buy Phenylpiracetam
Well known for its ability to boost performance and brain function, phenylpiracetam is a nootropic that has grown in popularity in recent [...]